Blog Post 2

What are the psychological effects of technology addiction on today’s youth?

I am quite interested in the effect that technology is having on today’s young children. I would like to research how many children are falling behind in schooling and society as a whole due to screens and the internet. I could find this out by comparing the socialness of children in the mid 1900s to kids of the current 2000s. I could also see if there are any differences depending on what country the children live in and how accessible phones and tablets are to them.

Are teens who spend more time on social media more likely to suffer anxiety and/or depression?

I am interested about the anxiety and depression ratings in teens who spend more time on social media compared to those who don’t. I would like to look into the difference in brains of those who suffer from these disorders and those who don’t, and also the brains of those who spend a substantial time on social media and those who don’t. I could find this out by comparing brain scans from each of these groups of people that I named.

Has social media made people more or less connected?

I am intrigued as to how social media has made us grow closer as a society or has separated us. I would like to research if constant communication through social media has made it easier to talk to people in person or more difficult. I could find this out by conducting surveys from teens who grew up when social media first started to flourish. I could also ask the parents of these kids about the changes they have noticed in their children’s sociability after beginning to use social media.


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